Preventative Maintenance plans are imperative for building owners to save time and money.  Without a definitive plan, many facility owners find themselves operating in a reactive mode when repairs are needed.  This causes headaches for the maintenance staff and occupants of a building, sometimes bringing productivity to a grinding halt.  Reactionary maintenance causes everyone more time and money.  The solution is to develop a preventative maintenance program to transition from short term, Band-Aid, fixes to long term improvements in small increments.

Performing a property condition assessment to determine long term system replacements can help in the preparation of a regular maintenance schedule.  If you have some idea of how long building systems will last you can plan carefully for its replacement, on your schedule.  Inspections of major building systems can assist building owners in preparing budgets on an ongoing basis.   Preventative maintenance is important to future planning instead of getting blindsided by large capital costs all at once.  Scheduling consistent inspections can help reduce the emergency workload on staff as well.


Starting a preventative maintenance plan takes time and consistency.  A large percentage of equipment failures are self-induced meaning; they can be caused by improper maintenance procedures or from a lack of any maintenance program.  Start small, and work your way through each building system.


Property Condition Assessments will analyze the interior and exterior of each part of a building.  Site inspectors will take a look at the surrounding grounds, signs, paving, and parking areas.  They will also inspect the electrical, HVAC, roof, plumbing and emergency systems.


Natura Architectural Consulting’s main focus is risk management, green building and hazardous material testing.  Natura specializes in helping property owners save time and money.   Natura has licensed professionals that are experts at identifying inadequacies and hazards in buildings.  Natura will recommend necessary actions to take and provide budgetary costs to remediate deficiencies and assist with long-term capital planning.


Don’t wait until building system failure has your facility at a standstill.  Contact Natura today to develop a tailored preventative maintenance program that fits the needs of your facility and organization.